The File System

The Unix Shell

Christopher Sifuentes

A Common Structure

The file system manages and organizes our files and directories using a common structure.

A Common Structure

Parent-child relationships
A “family tree” (more like a root system) of “parent” and “child” relationships (Figure 1).

Figure 1: A representative file system with parent-child relationships shown.

A Common Structure

Parent items are at the top/up; child items are at the bottom/down (Figure 2).

Figure 2: A representative file system with parent-child relationships shown.

A Common Structure

Different ways to access
Accessible via command-line (Figure 3a) and GUI (Figure 3b).

(a) Accessing the file system via the command-line.

(b) Accessing the file system via graphical interface.

Figure 3: A representative file system.

A Common Structure


The top-most directory is called the root directory and is shown with the /.


The directories, files, and subdirectories of a file system are connected by paths. Paths also describe the locations within the file system.

Figure 4: The absolute path from / to mouse.gtf, highlighted in red.


There are two types of paths:

  • Absolute path
    The path taken from the top-most directory (root, /), to the specified file or directory. The absolute path always starts with /.
  • Relative path
    The path taken from the present working directory to the specified file or directory.


Figure 5: The absolute path from / to mouse.gtf, highlighted in red.

Target Absolute Path Relative Path (from the /bin directory)
plot.R /bin/plot.R plot.R
conda /bin/conda conda

., .., and ~ aliases

The characters ., .. and ~ have special meaning in the unix shells.

. alias – current directory

For example the following code means to do_the_thing in the current directory.

do_the_thing ./

.. alias – parent directory

The code below means to do_the_thing two directories above our current directory.

do_the_thing ../../

~ alias – user home directory

Finally, the code below means to do_the_thing in the user’s home directory.

do_the_thing ~


Q&A: If we are in the /tmp directory, what are the absolute and relative paths of the genome.fa file?


Q&A: If we are in the /tmp directory, what are the absolute and relative paths of the genome.fa file?


Target Absolute Path Relative Path
genome.fa /data/genome.fa ../data/genome.fa

Let’s learn a few useful commands for moving around the file system.

pwd – print working directory

Prints out our current location, called our “working directory”.

Command Options/Flags Arguments

Run the pwd command in your terminal.

pwd – print working directory

Prints out our current location, called our “working directory”.

Command Options/Flags Arguments

Run the pwd command in your terminal.



Q&A: Is the path returned an absolute or relative path?


Q&A: Is the path returned an absolute or relative path?


Absolute, the path starts with /. Also, pwd will always return the absolute path (from the root directory).

ls – list

Lists the items in a directory.

Without a target, the command defaults to the current directory (./)

Command Options/Flags Arguments
ls flags path/to/directory

In terminal, type ls and press enter/return.

ls – list

Lists the items in a directory.

Without a target, the command defaults to the current directory (./)

Command Options/Flags Arguments
ls flags path/to/directory

In terminal, type ls and press enter/return.


Items in your home directory is listed, alphabetically.

ls – list

Flags/options can make the output more useful, a few are shown below.

Flag Description

Returns the results in a long format, which provides information about

  • the item type (- for file, d for directory, l for link)
  • item permissions
  • thenumber of links or files inside that item
  • the item owner
  • the item group
  • the time the item was created
  • item size
  • item name
-h Returns the results with a human-readible size value
-a Includes entries beginning with a ., which are not shown by default

ls – list

Let’s use these 3 flags together. Type the ls -lha into your terminal.

ls – list

Let’s use these 3 flags together. Type the ls -lha into your terminal.

ls -lha
total 16
drwxrwxr-x@  5 csifuentes  staff   160B Mar  7 08:33 .
drwx------@  7 csifuentes  staff   224B Mar  3 10:26 ..
-rw-r--r--@  1 csifuentes  staff   6.0K Mar  3 12:59 .DS_Store
drwxrwxr-x@  7 csifuentes  staff   224B Sep 16  2021 exercise-data
drwxrwxr-x@ 21 csifuentes  staff   672B Sep 16  2021 north-pacific-gyre


The . is also used to hide items.

cd – change directory

Changes our location in the file system.

Note: Without a target directory, cd will default to the user home directory.

Command Options/Flags Arguments
cd path/to/directory

cd – change directory

Changes our location in the file system.

Note: Without a target directory, cd will default to the user home directory.

Command Options/Flags Arguments
cd path/to/directory

Q&A: Change your current working directory to be one directory above the current directory, then check the new working directory location and list it’s contents.

cd – change directory

Changes our location in the file system.

Note: Without a target directory, cd will default to the user home directory.

Command Options/Flags Arguments
cd path/to/directory

Q&A: Change your current working directory to be one directory above the current directory, then check the new working directory location and list it’s contents.


cd ..
ls -lha
total 920
drwx------@  7 csifuentes  staff   224B Mar  3 10:26 .
drwxr-xr-x+ 73 csifuentes  staff   2.3K Mar  7 08:55 ..
-rw-r--r--@  1 csifuentes  staff   6.0K Mar  7 08:26 .DS_Store
-rw-r--r--   1 csifuentes  staff     0B Sep 22  2020 .localized
drwxrwxr-x@  5 csifuentes  staff   160B Mar  7 08:33 shell-lesson-data
-rw-r--r--@  1 csifuentes  staff   450K Feb 24 15:42
drwxr-xr-x@ 12 csifuentes  staff   384B Mar  6 10:58 unix-shell-slides

cd – change directory

Now let’s move back into the shell-lesson-data directory.

cd ~/Desktop/shell-lesson-data

mkdir – make directory

Creates new directories.

Note: The -p flag will create the directory and any required intermediate directories.

Command Options/Flags Arguments
mkdir flags path/to/directory path/to/additional/directory

mkdir – make directory

Let’s pretend we want to create a directory structure for our thesis work. We need the following:

  1. A top-level directory.
  2. Separate directories for each chapter (we have 5).
  3. Directories for images, data, and text of each chapter.

We’ll do this using only the commands we’ve learned thus far (except for my use of tree to easily view directory structures). Later, we’ll learn quicker ways to do this.

mkdir – make directory

Make a top-level directory.

# let's first change into our shell-lesson-data directory
cd ~/Desktop/shell-lesson-data

# make the directory
mkdir -p thesis

# look at the structure of thesis
tree thesis

0 directories, 0 files

mkdir – make directory

Create a directory for each chapter.

# create all of the directories at one time
mkdir -p thesis/chapter_1 thesis/chapter_2 thesis/chapter_3 thesis/chapter_4 thesis/chapter_5

# look at the structure of thesis
tree thesis
├── chapter_1
├── chapter_2
├── chapter_3
├── chapter_4
└── chapter_5

5 directories, 0 files

mkdir – make directory

Create a directory for each subsection of each chapter.

# create sub-directories in each chapter
mkdir -p thesis/chapter_1/images thesis/chapter_1/data thesis/chapter_1/text
mkdir -p thesis/chapter_2/images thesis/chapter_2/data thesis/chapter_2/text
mkdir -p thesis/chapter_3/images thesis/chapter_3/data thesis/chapter_3/text
mkdir -p thesis/chapter_4/images thesis/chapter_4/data thesis/chapter_4/text
mkdir -p thesis/chapter_5/images thesis/chapter_5/data thesis/chapter_5/text

# look at the structure of thesis
tree thesis
├── chapter_1
│   ├── data
│   ├── images
│   └── text
├── chapter_2
│   ├── data
│   ├── images
│   └── text
├── chapter_3
│   ├── data
│   ├── images
│   └── text
├── chapter_4
│   ├── data
│   ├── images
│   └── text
└── chapter_5
    ├── data
    ├── images
    └── text

20 directories, 0 files

File and directory names

Good file and directory names

Complicated names make it difficult when working on the CL

  • Do not use spaces – bash reads these a separate arguments
  • Do not begin with a dash, “-” – bash reads these a options
  • Use alpha-numeric, ., -, and _

If you need refer to a file/directory that contains a space, put the entire thing in ” ”
"/root/subdir/file with spaces"

Working in the File System

Now let’s learn some useful ways to work in the file system.

Text Editors

Allow one to create and edit text files

  • using plain characters only, unlike MS Word and Google Docs
  • varying easy of use and capability of the text editors
  • can use in-terminal (in the shell) or GUI (external)

In-Terminal Examples GUI Examples
pico, nano notepad, notepad++
emacs, Vim Atom, Visual Studio Code

In-terminal Editor – nano

GUI Editor – Visual Studio Code

nano – in-line text editor

Opens the editor into a file (or new file if it doesn’t exist).

Note: Creates the target file if it does not already exist. Flags and arguments are optional here.

Command Options/Flags Arguments
nano flags path/to/file

Continuing with our thesis work, let’s create a README.txt file to keep track of each chapter directory.

nano – in-line text editor

Let’s first create the README.txt file in our thesis directory.

nano ~/Desktop/shell-lesson-data/thesis/README.txt

A file will open in the editor.

nano – in-line text editor

Follow the directions in the image below.

Edit and save the file as README.txt using the nano editor.

nano – in-line text editor

Looking in thesis, we see our new file.

ls ~/Desktop/shell-lesson-data/thesis

cp – copy

Copies and pastes items with a single command.

Command Options/Flags Arguments
cp flags path/to/source path/to/destination

It might be nice to have a README in each chapter directory. Let’s use the cp command to do this.

cp – copy

Copy from the thesis/README.txt to each chapter directory. This was tedious. Don’t worry, we’ll learn more efficient ways to do this.

# copy to each chapter directory
cp thesis/README.txt thesis/chapter_1/
cp thesis/README.txt thesis/chapter_2/
cp thesis/README.txt thesis/chapter_3/
cp thesis/README.txt thesis/chapter_4/
cp thesis/README.txt thesis/chapter_5/

# view the structure of thesis
tree thesis
├── README.txt
├── chapter_1
│   ├── README.txt
│   ├── data
│   ├── images
│   └── text
├── chapter_2
│   ├── README.txt
│   ├── data
│   ├── images
│   └── text
├── chapter_3
│   ├── README.txt
│   ├── data
│   ├── images
│   └── text
├── chapter_4
│   ├── README.txt
│   ├── data
│   ├── images
│   └── text
└── chapter_5
    ├── README.txt
    ├── data
    ├── images
    └── text

20 directories, 6 files

mv – move and rename

Moves and renames items, including files and directories. Note that the last argument is the destination.

Command Options/Flags Arguments
mv flags path/to/source path/to/other/source path/to/destination


The mv command will overwrite a files without warning!

  • use the -n flag to prevent overwriting existing files
  • use the -i flag to prompt for confirmation before overwriting existing files

Let’s rename the README.txt file in the chapter 1 directory so that it contains the chapter number.

mv – move and rename

Rename by typing in the following.

# rename the file
mv thesis/chapter_1/README.txt thesis/chapter_1/README_1.txt

# list files in chapter 1
ls thesis/chapter_1

rm – remove

Deletes the specified target.

Command Options/Flags Arguments
rm flags path/to/target


Unlike in the GUI, rm deletes items permanently!

  • use the -r flag to remove files and directories recursively
  • use the -i flag to prompt for confirmation before deleting each item

rm – remove

For “fun”, let’s remove the thesis directory.

# remove the items (files and directories) recursively
rm -r thesis

# list items in shell-lesson-data

Introducing Wildcards

Wildcards represent 0 or more characters and are used for pattern matching. Two useful wilcards are shown here.

  • * – 0 or more characters
  • ? – exactly 1 character

Let’s see some examples with of each. From our shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/proteins.

Introducing Wildcards

Listing all files.

# cd into the directory
cd ~/Desktop/shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/proteins

# list all files in proteins

Introducing Wildcards

Listing files ending in ethane.pdb, using *.
Note that we use the * at the end becuase all files have the same .pdb ending, so this is faster.

# cd into the directory
cd ~/Desktop/shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/proteins

ls *ethane.*

Introducing Wildcards

Listing files ending in ethane.pdb with a preceeding character, using ?.

# cd into the directory
cd ~/Desktop/shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/proteins

ls ?ethane.*

Introducing Wildcards

Wildcards can be used together and combined in different ways to form complex patterns.

For example, we can use ???ane.pdb together to indicate any 3 characters followed by ane.pdb.

# cd into the directory
cd ~/Desktop/shell-lesson-data/exercise-data/proteins

# list all files with 3 characters followed by ane.pdb
ls ???ane.pdb

Quiz Time

Question 1

Starting from /Users/amanda/data, which command(s) whould take Amanda to her home directory (/Users/amanda)?

  1. cd .
  2. cd /
  3. cd /home/amanda
  4. cd ../..
  5. cd ~
  6. cd home
  7. cd
  8. cd ..

Question 1

Starting from /Users/amanda/data, which command(s) whould take Amanda to her home directory (/Users/amanda)?

  1. cd . – No, will be in the same place
  2. cd / – No, will be in root
  3. cd /home/amanda – No, not where we want to be
  4. cd ../.. – No, will be in /Users
  5. cd ~ – YES, ~ is an alias for the user’s home directory
  6. cd home – No, not a thing
  7. cd – YES, without input cd will take you to the home directory
  8. cd .. – YES

Question 2

With the file system shown, if pwd displays Users/thing, what will ls -F ../backup display?

Note: -F adds a / to the end of directories.

  1. ../backup: No such file or directory
  2. 2012-12-01 2013-01-08 2013-01-27
  3. 2012-12-01/ 2013-01-08/ 2013-01-27/
  4. original/ pnas_final/ pnas_sub/

Question 2

With the file system shown, if pwd displays Users/thing, what will ls -F ../backup display?

Note: -F adds a / to the end of directories.

  1. ../backup/ refers to /Users/backup

Question 3

With the file system below, if pwd displays /Users/backup and ls -r displays items in reverse order, what command(s) will result in the following output?

pnas_sub/ pnas_final/ original/

  1. ls pwd
  2. ls -r -F
  3. ls -r -F /Users/backup

Question 3

With the file system below, if pwd displays /Users/backup and ls -r displays items in reverse order, what command(s) will result in the following output?

pnas_sub/ pnas_final/ original/

  1. ls pwd – No, will look for pwd as the target.
  2. ls -r -F – Yes
  3. ls -r -F /Users/backup – Yes

Question 4

Chris runs the following commands and realizes that sucrose.dat and maltose.dat should be in the raw/ directory.

$ ls -F
 analyzed/ raw/
$ ls -F analyzed
fructose.dat glucose.dat maltose.dat sucrose.dat
$ cd analyzed

Complete the command below to move these files into the raw/ directory.

$ mv sucrose.dat maltose.dat _____/____

Question 4


$ mv sucrose.dat maltose.dat ../raw

Question 5

Chris gave you a file named file.txt, which contains a list of his favorite animals. You want to rename it to why_do_i_need_this.txt. Which of the following commands would do the trick?

  1. cp file.txt why_do_i_need_this.txt
  2. mv file.txt why_do_i_need_this.txt
  3. mv file.txt .
  4. cp file.txt .

Question 5

Chris gave you a file named file.txt, which contains a list of his favorite animals. You want to rename it to why_do_i_need_this.txt. Which of the following commands would do the trick?

  1. cp file.txt why_do_i_need_this.txt – No. This creates a new file instead of renaming the old file.
  2. mv file.txt why_do_i_need_this.txt – YES. This renames the file.
  3. mv file.txt . – No. This moves the file to the current directory with no new file name – would throw an error.
  4. cp file.txt . – No. This copies the file to the current directory with no new file name – would throw an error.

Question 6

What is the output of the final ls command in the sequence shown below?

$ pwd
$ ls 
$ mkdir recombined
$ mv proteins.dat recombined/
$ cp recombined/proteins.dat ../proteins-saved.dat
$ ls
  1. proteins-saved.dat recombined
  2. recombined
  3. proteins.dat recombined
  4. proteins-saved.dat

Question 6


  1. recombined

Question 7

Chris accidentally removed a file named important_file.txt. How can the file be retrieved?

  1. rm --undo
  2. “^Z”, control+Z
  3. Restore from the “Trash” bin
  4. It can’t.

Question 7


  1. It can’t. Be very careful when removing files/directories.

Question 8

When run the in proteins/ directory, which command(s) will produce the output below?

ethane.pdb methane.pdb

  1. ls *t*ane.pdb
  2. ls *t?ne.*
  3. ls *t??ne.pdb
  4. ls ethane.*

Question 8

When run the in proteins/ directory, which command(s) will produce the output below?

ethane.pdb methane.pdb

  1. ls *t*ane.pdb – No, would give ethane.pdb methane.pdb octane.pdb pentane.pdb
  2. ls *t?ne.* – No, would give octane.pdb pentaçne.pdb
  3. ls *t??ne.pdb – Yes.
  4. ls ethane.* – No, would give ethane.pdb

Question 9

Slide and outputs are scrollable

Sam has the following diretory structure.

├── 2015-10-23-calibration.txt
├── 2015-10-23-dataset1.txt
├── 2015-10-23-dataset2.txt
├── 2015-10-23-dataset_overview.txt
├── 2015-10-26-calibration.txt
├── 2015-10-26-dataset1.txt
├── 2015-10-26-dataset2.txt
├── 2015-10-26-dataset_overview.txt
├── 2015-11-23-calibration.txt
├── 2015-11-23-dataset1.txt
├── 2015-11-23-dataset2.txt
├── 2015-11-23-dataset_overview.txt
├── backup
   ├── calibration
   └── datasets
└── send_to_bob
    ├── all_datasets_created_on_a_23rd
    └── all_november_files

Sam uses the following commands to create a backup directory and another directory to send to her collaborator, Bob.

$ cp *dataset* backup/datasets
$ cp ____calibration____ backup/calibration
$ cp 2015-____-____ send_to_bob/all_november_files/
$ cp ____ send_to_bob/all_datasets_created_on_a_23rd/

Help Sam by filling in the blanks so that the resulting structure looks like this.

├── 2015-10-23-calibration.txt
├── 2015-10-23-dataset1.txt
├── 2015-10-23-dataset2.txt
├── 2015-10-23-dataset_overview.txt
├── 2015-10-26-calibration.txt
├── 2015-10-26-dataset1.txt
├── 2015-10-26-dataset2.txt
├── 2015-10-26-dataset_overview.txt
├── 2015-11-23-calibration.txt
├── 2015-11-23-dataset1.txt
├── 2015-11-23-dataset2.txt
├── 2015-11-23-dataset_overview.txt
├── backup
   ├── calibration
   │   ├── 2015-10-23-calibration.txt
   │   ├── 2015-10-26-calibration.txt
   │   └── 2015-11-23-calibration.txt
   └── datasets
       ├── 2015-10-23-dataset1.txt
       ├── 2015-10-23-dataset2.txt
       ├── 2015-10-23-dataset_overview.txt
       ├── 2015-10-26-dataset1.txt
       ├── 2015-10-26-dataset2.txt
       ├── 2015-10-26-dataset_overview.txt
       ├── 2015-11-23-dataset1.txt
       ├── 2015-11-23-dataset2.txt
       └── 2015-11-23-dataset_overview.txt
└── send_to_bob
    ├── all_datasets_created_on_a_23rd
       ├── 2015-10-23-dataset1.txt
       ├── 2015-10-23-dataset2.txt
       ├── 2015-10-23-dataset_overview.txt
       ├── 2015-11-23-dataset1.txt
       ├── 2015-11-23-dataset2.txt
       └── 2015-11-23-dataset_overview.txt
    └── all_november_files
        ├── 2015-11-23-calibration.txt
        ├── 2015-11-23-dataset1.txt
        ├── 2015-11-23-dataset2.txt
        └── 2015-11-23-dataset_overview.txt

Question 9


$ cp *calibration.txt backup/calibration
$ cp 2015-11-* send_to_bob/all_november_files/
$ cp *-23-dataset* send_to_bob/all_datasets_created_on_a_23rd/